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Getting Started with React

Start by installing the React renderer into your app.

Using Starbeam

import { useReactive, useSetup } from "@starbeam/react";
import { Cell } from "@starbeam/universal";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
export function Counter() {
const counter = useSetup(() => Cell(0));
return useReactive(() => (
<button onClick={() => counter.update((c) => c + 1)}>
<Counter />,
import { useReactive, useSetup } from "@starbeam/react";
import { Cell } from "@starbeam/universal";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
export function Counter() {
const counter = useSetup(() => Cell(0));
return useReactive(() => (
<button onClick={() => counter.update((c) => c + 1)}>
<Counter />,
import { useReactive, useSetup } from "@starbeam/react";
import { Cell } from "@starbeam/universal";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
export function Counter() {
const counter = useSetup(() => Cell(0));
return useReactive(() => (
<button onClick={() => counter.update((c) => c + 1)}>
<Counter />,
import { useReactive, useSetup } from "@starbeam/react";
import { Cell } from "@starbeam/universal";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
export function Counter() {
const counter = useSetup(() => Cell(0));
return useReactive(() => (
<button onClick={() => counter.update((c) => c + 1)}>
<Counter />,
Play with it on StackBlitz

This is the most basic way to use Starbeam in a React app.

  • You use the useSetup hook to create reactive values when the component is mounted.
  • You use the useReactive hook to read from reactive values and tell React to rerender when they change.

React 18

The useSetup hook was designed to work well with React 18's new strict mode, which tests whether your components are resilient to unmounting and remounting.

Starbeam automatically handles this for you by running the useSetup callback again when the component is remounted.

We do not circumvent React's strict mode by attempting to detect whether the component is "really" being unmounted. Instead, we follow React's guidance and clean on any unmount, and recreate useSetup state if the component gets remounted.

The useResource Hook

The @starbeam/react renderer also includes a useResource hook, which allows you to attach Starbeam resources into a React app. Resources are instantiated when the component is mounted, and cleaned up when the component is unmounted.

To get an idea for how it works, we'll integrate the Stopwatch resource from the Guides section into React.

As a quick refresher, here's what the resource looks like:

import {
} from "@starbeam/universal";
const Stopwatch = Resource(({ on }) => {
const time = Cell(new Date());
const interval = setInterval(() => {
time.set(new Date());
on.cleanup(() => {
return () => clearInterval(interval);
return Formula(() => {
const now = time.current;
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", {
hour: "numeric",
minute: "numeric",
second: "numeric",
hour12: false,
import {
} from "@starbeam/universal";
const Stopwatch = Resource(({ on }) => {
const time = Cell(new Date());
const interval = setInterval(() => {
time.set(new Date());
on.cleanup(() => {
return () => clearInterval(interval);
return Formula(() => {
const now = time.current;
return new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", {
hour: "numeric",
minute: "numeric",
second: "numeric",
hour12: false,

The resource creates a cell that holds the current date, but waits to set up the interval until the component that uses the resource is mounted.

Once the component is mounted, the resource creates an timer that will update the time cell once per second. It also specifies a cleanup function that will run when the component that uses the resource is unmounted.

Next, we'll use the useResource hook to integrate it into a React component.

import { use } from "@starbeam/react";
export const Clock = () => {
const time = use(() => Stopwatch, []);
return <div>{time ?? "now"}</div>;
import { use } from "@starbeam/react";
export const Clock = () => {
const time = use(() => Stopwatch, []);
return <div>{time ?? "now"}</div>;

The useResource hook constructs the resource for us and integrates it into the component's lifecycle. That's the magic of Starbeam resources: they're written without any special knowledge of the quirks of any particular framework, but they can be deeply integrated into any framework.

Edge Cases

What exactly do we mean by "deeply integrated"? Let's take a look at a couple of React-specific edge cases to see how the useResource hook handles them.

A component that never fully mounts: if React renders the component but never mounts it, the interval will never be created. This can happen in a React transition if the render is aborted before the component is mounted. It also happens in strict mode.

A component that is remounted: If React unmounts the component and then remounts it, the interval will be cleaned up when the component is unmounted, and the resource will be recreated when the component is remounted. This can happen when using HMR (hot module reloading) on in the upcoming Offscreen API. It also happens in strict mode.

This means that every time a component using Stopwatch is remounted, a new time cell is created. From the perspective of the resource, a remounted component is a new component, which means that resources don't need to implement special logic to reset state on remount. It just works.

Framework agnostic

It's important to remember that Starbeam's resources are framework agnostic. They are intended to be expressive enough to describe the lifecycle behavior of any framework. In our case, this means that resources written without any special knowledge of React will work reliably when used with advanced React features such as Concurrent APIs, as well as strict mode.

And Starbeam resources can be used in other frameworks, which makes it easy to share reactive logic with lifecycle behavior between frameworks.

Compatibility with Strict Mode and Concurrent APIs

The useResource hook is compatible with strict mode, concurrent APIs and other advanced React features.

Compatibility with strict mode means:

  • A Resource's setup blocks will only run if React guarantees that their associated cleanup blocks run.
  • If a component is unmounted, the Resource's setup blocks will be cleaned up. If it is remounted, the Resource constructor will be called again. This means that a resource gets fresh state when the component is remounted, which makes resources fully compatible with strict mode, but without the need to manually reset state when the component is remounted.
  • Resources will be cleaned up when the component is unmounted, even during "double-effect" strict mode.

Strict Mode Enables React Features

In our opinion, React's strict mode is communicating important information about whether a component is compatible with the full set of React features, including concurrent APIs and the upcoming offscreen API.

If you want to use the full set of React features, your components must be compatible with React strict mode.

By building the @starbeam/react renderer to work well in strict mode, you will be able to use Starbeam features (even advanced ones) in apps that take advantage of these new features, as well as new features that the React team is still working on.

Released under the MIT license